Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ballet time...


Tuesdays are usually hard, but in Florence even the beginning of the week is lovely!
After our morning classes, our afternoon activities, and another successful cooking group tonight we had an amazing evening activity: in the beautiful Piazza del Duomo there was a Ballet show (Romantic Contemporary Ballet). The music, the dancers up on the stage in the middle of such a piazza was just so inspiring for our students' artistic spirit that we could not wait for the next day!

And Wednesday had its surprises as well! Our students went to the Ceramic School where Antonio taught our students how to decorate ceramic plates following the 16th Century Florentine techniques (maybe it is going to be your Florentine gift! You never know...) And while a group was using their artistic skills on the ceramic plates, other students were using their artistic skills to decide the best gelato in Florence with our Gelato Tasting activity! As professional of gelato they tried the same flavour in different gelateria shops. Thus, now they became "experts" of Italian gelato in Florence! No ice cream is going to be the same anymore!!

Today (Thursday) we are going to jump in the Florentine past again: our students in the afternoon have the possibility to go at the Leather School where they will see how the leather -which is such a fundamental product of Florence- was traditionally treated without modern machines as they used to do since Middle Ages. After the visit students will also have the possibility to buy a souvenir getting for free an hand made incision of their name in gloden letters. How cool is that?
After dinner, our Thursday night gets even better: once a year during Summer Florence has a "notte bianca" (white night) which means that all museums, shops, cafes, restaurants, and several events such as live music, artists in the streets performing, etc. are happening during the whole night. And this year notte bianca is happening tonight! We will also have the possibility to go to Palazzo Strozzi where with a local artist we will be drawing landscapes! Unfortunately our night will stop -as Cinderellas- at midnight: hey, after all we have class tomorrow!

More exciting events are yet to come and surely you will read about those soon! (We are going to San Gimignano and Siena this weekend!) But please, try not to get too jealous! ;)


The second Ballet performance of the night

Olivia enjoying the show

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